Friday 25 October 2013

References in 'Gravity'

'Gravity' is essentially a survival movie in space. The main character has to battle an unforgiving environment in order to survive at the same time deal with some personal issues. Gravity is a roller coaster ride with elaborate and intense action scenes alternated by quiet moments for reflection. 'Gravity' has been hailed as the intellectual successor to '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968). Though 'Gravity' references 2001 several times, this movie refrains from dealing with the larger questions put forth by 2001. Rather it is more about the human condition, more specifically, about resilience, letting go, growth, sacrifice and the basic primal instinct in all of us to survive no matter how bleak a situation is.

Apart from '2001 : A Space Odyssey' , 'Gravity' also references many other movies. Here are the references that I picked up. Comment below if you think I missed out on something.

2001 : A Space Odyssey
When faced with certain death, Sandra Bullock's character grows from timid and hesitant to become someone who will take extraordinary risks to survive. This growth (or her rebirth) is symbolized in the shot where she curls up in a fetal position, a reference to the star-child in 2001 : A Space Odyssey.

A pen appears in a shot and floats away. I counted 3 times. Another reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Both movies have maternal themes with a female lead. There is a reference when Bullock's character takes off her suit after entering the ISS. Also, there is a sequence filled with red lights.

Looney Tunes
I don't remember the name of the movie but there is a Looney Tunes movie in which Bugs Bunny goes to space and meets Marvin Martian for the first time. Here it is referenced by showing a floating Martian on the ISS.\

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Deep Thought's "answer to the ultimate question of life, universe and everything", 42 appears as a patch on the Russian spacesuit the Bullock's characters wears.

Star Wars
Like every main character in Star Wars at some point, Bullock and Clooney's characters too have bad feelings about the mission.

The use of the fire extinguisher at the end of both films.


If you think I have missed out on something feel free to comment below.

Check out my review of Gravity here

1 comment:

  1. I loved the final "tiktaalik / Bullock" scene...


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