Monday, 28 October 2013

Movie Review : The Great Gatsby

'The Great Gatsby' is like watching a poorly made music video. When the lyrics say, "I came in like a wrecking ball.", the lead singer literally comes in sitting atop a wrecking ball. No subtlety.

So, old sport, before I begin I must tell you I've neither read the original novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald nor seen any other adaptation of 'The Great Gatsby'. I think that is the reason why I was able to enjoy this movie as the story was unknown to me. Apart from the story, everything in this movie is excessive to the point that it is a distraction from what is going on in the story. The visuals are in-your-face and the performances in many parts are over-dramatic and animated. I thought the movie was trying to portray how hollow people of the aristocracy and those enjoying the profits of the economic boom of the 1920s were. There is some attempt at social commentary here as the rich at lavish parties are contrasted with poor masses. But in its portrayal the movie gets carried away and gives preference to style over substance.

Friday, 25 October 2013

References in 'Gravity'

'Gravity' is essentially a survival movie in space. The main character has to battle an unforgiving environment in order to survive at the same time deal with some personal issues. Gravity is a roller coaster ride with elaborate and intense action scenes alternated by quiet moments for reflection. 'Gravity' has been hailed as the intellectual successor to '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968). Though 'Gravity' references 2001 several times, this movie refrains from dealing with the larger questions put forth by 2001. Rather it is more about the human condition, more specifically, about resilience, letting go, growth, sacrifice and the basic primal instinct in all of us to survive no matter how bleak a situation is.

Apart from '2001 : A Space Odyssey' , 'Gravity' also references many other movies. Here are the references that I picked up. Comment below if you think I missed out on something.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Movie Review : Gravity

'Gravity' is essentially a survival movie in space. The main character has to battle an unforgiving environment in order to survive at the same time deal with some personal issues. Gravity is a roller coaster ride with elaborate and intense action scenes alternated by quiet moments for reflection. 'Gravity' has been hailed as the intellectual successor to '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968). Though 'Gravity' references 2001 several times, this movie refrains from dealing with the larger questions put forth by 2001. Rather it is more about the human condition, more specifically, about resilience, letting go, growth, sacrifice and the basic primal instinct in all of us to survive no matter how bleak a situation is.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Why "Now You See Me"'s magic doesn't work.

An important aspect why movies or magic shows or any work of fiction like stories and poems succeed in entertaining us  is the idea of "Suspension of Disbelief". It is expected from the audience that they would let go of their perception of reality in order to enter and appreciate a fictional world and connect with characters in that world. We know that fictional worlds of ,say, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars are a figment of someone's imagination but we are willing to accept that these worlds are real for the time we are watching or reading about them in order to be entertained.
Diving into an imaginary world.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Movie Review : Now You See Me

In spite of having a wonderful cast of actors and a great premise about four magicians robbing banks and distributing their spoils with their audience, leaving the FBI dumbfounded, the movie fails to create what is called 'movie magic'. It is a plot-driven movie as opposed to a character-driven movie. The cast give a fine performance but never gel together or work together as a unit. The plot twists and turns and in the end gives you a twist that makes you feel like finding an empty table, standing at one side and then flipping it out of dismay at how lazily the plot is written.  

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Movie Review : World War Z

World War Z is like a hastily made pizza. It is flat, cheesy in some parts with different portions of it tasting different. It will fulfill your hunger for the time being but will leave you wanting for something that is more complete. The movie plays out like a series of distinct scenarios that are loosely connected into a story. Each scenario involves some people who have to complete some task by going from point A to point B with obstacles presented in their path by (you guessed it!) zombies. There is no overall theme of the movie ,except that it's a zombie apocalypse movie, nor is there any emotional core or driving force to the movie. The special effects are great and some of the visuals are stunning ,but no amount of seasoning and ketchup would hide the fact that you have a poorly made pizza.
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